Постоянный маршрут для тех, кто любит танцевать и наслаждаться красочной ночной жизнью, предлагающей захватывающие концерты, концептуальные вечеринки, выступления живых ди-джеев и очаровательные лазерные шоу
Xone Night Club
Xone Night Club is a permanent route for those who love to dance and enjoy the colourful nightlife offering spectacular concerts, concept parties, live DJ performances and enchanting laser shows.


Dance Shows

DJ Parties
At Rino Kids Clubs
Children are the most precious guests of Swandor Hotels & Resorts. Kids Club, established within the Swandor Hotels & Resorts, provides a happy experience for both children and parents. Children continue to learn while enjoying special activities and games in colourful secure areas specially designed for them, in the presence of expert animators.